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It is our choices... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.


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+8 votes
7 answers
asked May 20, 2020 in CSC320 by Xiaohai Yang (1 point)
+16 votes
6 answers
asked Nov 18, 2019 in CSC350 by Olivia Hogenkamp (1 point)
+4 votes
3 answers
+19 votes
12 answers
+5 votes
4 answers
+20 votes
5 answers
+14 votes
8 answers
+17 votes
2 answers
asked Jan 18, 2019 in CSC211_Winter2018 by Trang Hoang (1 point)
+3 votes
1 answer
+7 votes
1 answer
+19 votes
1 answer