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+2 votes

For lab 2 my "done" button on the "movieAddingView" does nothing, my code for the completeMovieAddingView() seems to match, the wording for the onAction is correct (although it says 0 uses), yet in the movieAddingView.fxml the error shows up under #completeMovieAddingView. My main view opens properly but the program crashes when i try to switch to movie adding view. If I remove the onAction assignment for the done button the movie adding view still opens but the done button is not functional.

asked in CSC 305 Fall 2024 by (134 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer

It sounds like your whole MovieAddingView.fxml doesn't have a Controller specified, which would prevent any field injection or event handlers from working.

Open MovieAddingView in SceneBuilder. In the bottom left corner of the SceneBuilder window, find the Controller section. I'm guessing the controller is currently blank (or maybe it has the wrong value), and you want to fill it in with: edu.augustana.MovieAddingController

answered by (1.4k points)
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