Contest to be held:
In conjunction with:
The 3rd Annual A.I.R.C. was bigger than ever, with 8 teams from 3 institutions! The results were:
Check out the 2018 photo gallery.
Build an eco-friendly robot that can save the planet by recycling!
Okay, to be honest, it's just moving empty soda pop cans from one place to another, but it's the thought that counts, right? (Even if your robot doesn't “think”?)
And don't worry - this task is MUCH easier than the things that SpotMini can do with soda cans...
Nobody gets lucky all the time.
Nobody can win all the time.
Nobody's a robot. Nobody's perfect.
-- Champion figure skater, Johnny Weir
8 teams showed for the contest, with a variety of fun approaches/designs!
10 teams registered, heralding from Knox, St. Ambrose, & Augustana!
2018 challenge rules posted!
AIRC 2018
[2018 web site] -
[2018 photos]
AIRC 2017
[2017 web site] -
[2017 photos]
AIRC 2016
[2016 web site] -
[2016 photos]