2017 Contest Results:

The 2nd Annual A.I.R.C. was bigger than ever, including 3 teams from Augustana College, 2 teams from Knox College, and 2 from St. Ambrose University. The results are:

  • 1st place - 4d79206e616d652069732e2e2e from Augustana
    • Abby, Al, Daniel, & Blake
  • 2nd place - Rubber Bandits from St. Ambrose
    • Caleb & Andrea
  • 3rd place - Viking Duo from Augustana
    • Son & Tan

The contest, once again including a Jedi Master of Ceremonies, went off well! Check out the 2017 photo gallery.

What is this year's challenge?

Build a robot that plays with ping pong balls!
Don't worry, your robot does NOT actually need to play the game of ping pong (like this crazy machine).

Instead, your robot will be more of a "garbage removal" robot that saves robo-world from being overrun by ping pong balls, by knocking (or plucking, or plowing) them off the course.

How to register:

(2017 Team registration is closed)

Inspirational quote:

Nobody gets lucky all the time.
Nobody can win all the time.
Nobody's a robot. Nobody's perfect.

         -- Champion figure skater, Johnny Weir



Contest was held at:
7:30 PM in Hanson Hall, Room 102


Shoutout to “Garb and the Predicates” and “K++”: first Knox teams to register!


Team registration extended to April 24!


AIRC 2017 website launched!


AIRC 2016

[2016 web site] - [2016 photos]