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+9 votes

Hi guys,

We are adjusting our fxml pages in Scene Builder so that the UI is adjustable with changing window sizes (making windows full-screen). I have added all of the elements we were using into v-boxes and h-boxes in a border pane, which is displaying correctly in scene builder. However, whenever I launch our program I get a "no controller specified" error although I have not touched any code in Itellij or renamed pieces of the UI, I have only shifted elements in Scene Builder. Does anyone have some advice? Thank you

asked in CSC 305 Fall 2024 by (1 point)

2 Answers

+6 votes

In Scenebuilder, check the bottom left corner of the window to specify the Controller class for that FXML file.

answered by (280 points)

Thank you!

+4 votes

The "no controller specified" error usually occurs when Scene Builder and your IntelliJ project are not properly linked. I would suggest you check the FXML file.

answered by (-299 points)