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+14 votes
asked in CSC 305 Fall 2024 by (1 point)

4 Answers

+5 votes

from my understanding abstract interfaces are more a way to link things that do not have too many commonalities (classes that do not have a blatant inheritance relationship) they just provide general directions regarding what type of behavior should be implemented while abstract classes promote more code re-use and shared fields.

answered by (1 point)
+3 votes

I would use an abstract class when there is ...

  1. a shared state or implementation (common base of functionality)
  2. partial implementations (if some methods need a default implementation and needs to be abstract for subclasses to override)
  3. Hierarchical Relationships (is-a relationships)

Don't use an abstract class when...

  1. Multiple classes need to implement the same set of methods but are unrelated in their inheritance hierarchy.
  2. You need to define a pure contract without any shared state or implementation.

It really comes down to whether you need shared implementation (abstract class) or just behavioral specification (interface).

answered by (1 point)
0 votes

You'd use an abstract class when you need to provide shared implementation details or fields along with method declarations for subclasses. Abstract classes are ideal for creating a base class with common functionality. In contrast, interfaces are better when you only need to define a contract (method signatures) without shared implementation.

answered by (1 point)
0 votes

An abstract class is preferred over an interface when you need a class that allows the sharing of common code functionality, with an inheritance concept in between classes like the is-a relationship, whereas interfaces implement the common functionality between closely related classes. Abstract classes are useful when you want to update a common behavior in the base abstract class it updates the inheriting classes as well.

answered by (1 point)