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+13 votes

My favorite is NClass, but it's getting a little "clunky" to install, and it only runs on Windows.

What are the best UML Class editors that you can find out there, which preferably work on all platforms?

asked in CSC 305 Fall 2024 by (280 points)

3 Answers

+6 votes

I use lucid chart and have found it to be very helpful. it has different options for charts, including Agile specific charts. this includes user story maps and sprint planning which seems helpful for 305

answered by (1 point)
+5 votes

My group actually used Google Drawings, which is convenient because we can all work on it simultaneously regardless of computer type.

answered by (1 point)
+3 votes

My group and I used lucid charts, as it easy- all online, free to use and nothing has to be downloaded

answered by (1 point)