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+4 votes

all other buttons work and are connected correctly but the done button does not do anything when i finish adding a movie. as far as i know i have it linked right and it has the correct fx:id but i cannot figure out why it wont do anything. when I add the code

"< Button fx:id= "doneButton" text="Done" onAction="#completeMovieAddingView" />"

to the fmxl file it gives errors. here is the fmxl code I have currently for the done button that doesnt cause errors:

    <Button fx:id="doneButton" onAction="#completeMovieAddingView" text="Done" BorderPane.alignment="CENTER">
        <Insets bottom="15.0" />

the movie adding controller code and other files are as the lab said

asked in CSC 305 Fall 2024 by (588 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer

To debug, try adding println statements to various methods and see which one is getting called, and when.

(Good chance you created two versions of that method, both with the same name, and JavaFX us calling the other one.)

answered by (1.4k points)
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