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+11 votes
asked in CSC211_Winter2018 by (1 point)

2 Answers

+16 votes

I don't know what you mean by java.util.Scanner but there are 2 java imports we use:
1. import java.awt. > to use Graphic
2. import java.util.
> to use Scanner

answered by (1 point)
+15 votes

java.util is a package which contains many classes. One of those classes is Scanner.

If a program imports java.util.*, then the entire java.util package is imported which includes the Scanner class and many others.

If a program imports java.util.Scanner, then just the Scanner class in the java.util package is imported.

The Random class is also a part of the java.util package. If a program imports just java.util.Random, then that program could use the Random class, but not the Scanner class (even though both classes are in the java.util package).

answered by (1 point)