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+16 votes

How do you guys work on the project? Do you prefer meeting up together as a group and doing a work session or just assigning tasks and working individually on tasks assigned to you? (or maybe a mix of both. For our group, we found that doing in-person work sessions is the most effective.

asked in CSC305 Fall 2023 by (1 point)

9 Answers

+4 votes

My group found the most success in doing a mix of both - assigning tasks to do individually and then meeting up to discuss and fix anything the other group members found issues with!

answered by (1 point)
+4 votes

It likely depends on your team, in my opinion. However my team member and I, we meet up, discuss and assign issues to each one of us. We always text each other and offer support if we're having trouble. We meet when it is finished to combine all of our code.

answered by (1 point)
+4 votes

We meet up to see how work can be divided, so we have clear goals by the end of the meeting so everyone has equal work to do. In case something comes up, we agreed to find a time to see if we can solve the issue. We constantly communicate as well.

answered by (1 point)
+3 votes

My group tries to meet at least twice a week to ensure we configure stuff the correct way our group collectively wants. During these meetings, we also try to divvy the work out for the days we don't meet by making new issues in Git Hub and assigning them.

answered by (1 point)
+3 votes

For our group, we generally do group meetings with all of us at least once a week. We are trying to implement pair programming, and the rest has been done individually.

answered by (1 point)
+2 votes

Meeting in person is definitely the way to go because it really helps you communicate with your group, split the work, and help each other if you run into any bugs.

answered by (1 point)
+2 votes

I prefer meeting in person to discuss project plans, but we usually assign each task to individuals and work it out. However, it depends on your preference.

answered by (1 point)
+2 votes

Personally, our group found that the way that works best for us is having a weekly team meeting along with set up pair programming. I would say we do work individually but not very often as we like to bounce ideas off each other.

answered by (1 point)
+1 vote

My group found that we can all meet most days at night and so we try and meet whenever we can throughout the week. Also, our scrums go over what we want to accomplish as well as what we have accomplished

answered by (1 point)