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+14 votes

Im curious how many screens did everyone make/planning to make

asked in CSC305 Fall 2023 by (1 point)

3 Answers

+4 votes

We had 4, but we reduced it to 3 since the client wanted mostly everything displayed on one screen rather than having to go to another screen ( I don't think we can go lower than 3 ).

answered by (1 point)
+2 votes

We have 4 so far, but that doesn't count a file chooser and printing screen. I think she generally wants less screens for ease of use.

answered by (1 point)
0 votes

We have 4, but I know we plan on getting rid of one of them and from our meeting with the client I believe she is going to want less screens so that the user has an easier time.

answered by (1 point)