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+15 votes

I was pushing and pulling fine but then this error showed

"Pulling 1 repository
An internal error occurred during: "Pulling origin from https://github.com/AugustanaCSC305Fall22/CurlewRepo.git".
Invalid path: GameBoardEditor/ "

Does anyone know how can I fix it?

asked in CSC305 Fall 2022 by (1 point)

Hmm, odd. Pushing/pulling from Eclipse, or from the command line?


that is when I try to pull through eclipse. When I try to pull though gitBash, it shows

$ git pull
warning: could not open directory 'GameBoardEditor/ /': No such file or directory
error: invalid path 'GameBoardEditor/ '

2 Answers

+3 votes

I believe if you want to access the GameBoardEditor folder you don’t need the / at the end

answered by (3.3k points)
+3 votes

If you are still struggling with this problem, try following these steps that I found in Stackoverflow and let me know if it works:
Right-click the project and select Team > Disconnect. After that, refresh the project and commit all of your changes to the branch. Finally, restart Eclipse. You can share the project again by following the same steps: Team > Share the project.
Hope this helps or works!

answered by (1 point)