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+16 votes

After git pulling some recent changes, the primary fxml document in our team's repository seems to have vanished from Eclipse entirely, and the program won't run. Nobody deleted it and it's present for others in my group, but on my machine it disappeared. Anyone know how to fix this?

asked in CSC305 Fall 2022 by (1 point)

Does git status show it as having been deleted?


Have you checked other folders it could have been misplaced in?


It does not show that it's been deleted.


It's not in any other project folders.


I figured it out! I just needed to refresh the project. It looks like Eclipse got confused because primary.fxml got renamed in the changes I'd just pulled, and didn't get the newly-named fxml document right away.

1 Answer

+4 votes

Did you have primary fxml to begin with? When you git pulled was one of the actions to delete that file. Maybe try again if you are not far into the project. Another thing I would suggest is get teh fxml file from your friends and try to have another change. If the same thing happens, then maybe there is a bug.

answered by (1 point)