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+19 votes
asked in CSC305 Fall 2022 by (1 point)

3 Answers

+7 votes

If you hit q + enter, it will exit for you

answered by (1 point)

I thought just "q" by itself would usually exit the git log viewer... but maybe you have to hit enter?

+6 votes

For any Mac users, the default command is to press ESC, and then type :wq

answered by (1 point)

This is the way to exit the vi or vim text editor. Maybe the git log viewer is using vim to display the log, although I thought it was a simpler viewer that popped up, which you should be able to exit by just hitting "q".

+5 votes

Ctrl + x (here is some extra text because Lovelace requires at least 12 characters)

answered by (1 point)

This is the way to exit the nano text editor. Maybe the git log viewer is using nano to display the log, although I thought it was a simpler viewer that popped up, which can be exited by typing "q".
