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+8 votes
  • Create/Log in to your GitHub account
  • Go to the page for the code respository you want to contribute to (the “upstream”)
  • “Fork” the repository (this creates a clone to your GitHub account)
  • Create a local clone of your fork with git clone
  • Create a local branch for your changes
  • Make your changes and commit them to your local branch with git commit, ensuring to include a descriptive commit message
  • Push the branch to your GitHub fork using git push
  • Go to the page for the upstream repository go to the pull requests tab
  • Click the “New Pull Request” Button
  • Select the branch you want to submit, and write a summary of what your change explaining what it is intended to do and how it is implemented
asked in CSC305 Fall 2021 by (1 point)

1 Answer

+1 vote
  • Create/Log in to your GitHub account
  • Go to the page for the code respository you want to contribute to (the “upstream”)
  • “Fork” the repository (this creates a clone to your GitHub account)
  • Create a local clone of your fork with git clone
  • Create a local branch for your changes
  • Make your changes and commit them to your local branch with git commit, ensuring to include a descriptive commit message
  • Push the branch to your GitHub fork using git push
  • Go to the page for the upstream repository go to the pull requests tab
  • Click the “New Pull Request” Button
  • Select the branch you want to submit, and write a summary of what your change explaining what it is intended to do and how it is implemented
answered by (1 point)