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+3 votes

I got question 3 correct but I was wondering if there is a cleaner way to do it my code used .join to put the characters between the letters but I couldn't figure out how to get before and after. So I made a variable extra and set it to either the dot or the dash in each conditional and then returned this...

return extra + newString + extra

Is there a cleaner way to do this?

asked in CSC201 Spring 2021 by (1 point)



that's what i did

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

I used iterarion of a string and string concatenation.

for letter in word:
    newString = newString+letter+'.'

And then in the return i used an f string, and just added a dot or a dash to the beginning depending on which if statement wss true

answered by (1 point)
selected by
+1 vote

I don’t know if there is any shorter way to do this question. On my code, I create a new variable and also use for loop to add a dot or dash after each index of the string

newVariable = ‘ ‘
for index in theString:

Inside the loop, I use concatenation and add each of the new index to be inside of my new variable. At the end, in the return statement, I add another dot or dash before my new variable.

answered by (1 point)