f strings are super useful for making long or complicated print statements WITHOUT having to worry about separating a bunch of things with commas and quotations. basically, you pass variables into curly brackets {}, and it adds them directly into the string without needing to break it up. without them, you might have something like
print('Hello, my name is', firstName, lastName, +'! I am a', major, 'student.')
which can be done instead with f strings as
print(f'Hello, my name is {firstName} {lastName}! I am a {major} student.')
everything is in a single set of quotes, with the variables in-line inside of {}.
Then, if you want to format things within {}, you do so with a colon (:) followed by f string parameters. A list of f string parameters can be found on moodle, as StringNotesheet.pdf
The width parameter is just a number after the colon, and tells the string that variable should take up at least as much space as you specify—if it is shorter, it will fill the rest with white space.
you could do something like
print('First Name Last Name')
which would look like
First Name Last Name
Furby Doty
It filled up the extra space, because I told it to, so that everything is aligned correctly.
When using the width parameter, strings get aligned left, which means it prints the extra space AFTER the string, and numbers align right, so it prints extra space BEFORE the number.