There were actually two versions of the exam, which asked similar but slightly different things -- here are both answers:
* This method returns the unassigned segment that contains a TimePoint (between
* startFrame and endFrame) that is closest to the given x,y location
* @param x - x coordinate to search near
* @param y - y coordinate to search near
* @param startFrame - (inclusive)
* @param endFrame - (inclusive)
* @return the unassigned segment (AnimalTrack) that contained the nearest point
* within the given time interval, or *null* if there is NO unassigned
* segment that contains any TimePoints within the given range.
public AnimalTrack getNearestUnassignedSegment(double x, double y, int startFrame, int endFrame) {
double minDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
AnimalTrack nearest = null;
for (AnimalTrack segment : unassignedSegments) {
List<TimePoint> ptsInInterval = segment.getTimePointsWithinInterval(startFrame, endFrame);
for (TimePoint pt : ptsInInterval) {
double dist = pt.getDistanceTo(x, y);
if (dist < minDistance) {
minDistance = dist;
nearest = segment;
return nearest;
* This method returns a list of all of the unassigned segments that contain a TimePoint
* (within the interval from startFrame to endFrame) that is sufficiently close
* (within a specified distance) to the given x,y location.
* @param x - x coordinate to search near
* @param y - y coordinate to search near
* @param startFrame - (inclusive)
* @param endFrame - (inclusive)
* @param distanceRange - the farthest away that the segment can be and still count.
* @return the list of unassigned segments that had TimePoints in the right time interval
* AND within *distanceRange* of the specified (x,y) point.
public List<AnimalTrack> getUnassignedSegmentsInRange(double x, double y,
int startFrame, int endFrame, double distanceRange) {
List<AnimalTrack> closeEnough = new ArrayList<AnimalTrack>();
for (AnimalTrack segment : unassignedSegments) {
List<TimePoint> ptsInInterval = segment.getTimePointsWithinInterval(startFrame, endFrame);
for (TimePoint pt : ptsInInterval) {
double dist = pt.getDistanceTo(x, y);
if (dist <= distanceRange) {
return closeEnough;