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+14 votes

I lost connection halfway through the wizard duels so I don't know who ended up winning!

asked in CSC320 by (1 point)

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer

Best Human-Designed, by Minh:


Kathryn & Maegan ("Clarkson") earned 2nd place in Human-Designed.

Best Evolved, by Jason:


Minh's evolved robot earned 2nd place.

Then, when we pitted the top 2 evolved A.I.'s against the two two human A.I.'s, the evolved A.I.'s won! It was pretty close though...

answered by (280 points)
selected by
+8 votes

Someone double check because I wasn't there either, but I think Minh got the top human designed and Jason's group was either 1st or 2nd with the evolved wizard.

answered by (1 point)