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+12 votes

I'm struggling to get start with writing the short story. Do you guys have any advice, especially on making the plot? Thanks!

asked in CSC320 by (1 point)

I agree with Kathryn, I want to read everyone's stories. Could we create a shared google folder and anyone who wants to share their stories can? Up vote if you would want to do that!

5 Answers

+9 votes

I recommend thinking about the debates we have had in class and working to base your story around one of those concepts. Doing this will help your story "provoke deep thoughts about philosophical or moral or ethical or social issues relating to AI" (rubric). This is also helpful as we have already spent a good amount of time discussing these issues, so you already have good background knowledge.

answered by (1 point)
+9 votes

Maybe pull some ideas from iRobot and spin them in your own way? I wrote mine on the Chinese room argument and I know there were other thought experiments that we talked about like the brain in a vat or replacing a brain 1 neuron at a time. You could probably make a cool story about one of those!

answered by (1 point)
+8 votes

I have been looking at common moral dilemmas and debate topics and seeing how a robot may have navigated them. It has brought out some good and many bad ideas, but it provides for a good start!

answered by (1 point)
+8 votes

I chose an interesting debate topic, and wrote out an outline for all the positions characters could take. It makes for kind of a dry, court-case-esque plot, but it makes it easy to hit the word count.

answered by (1 point)

I'm sure it's not that dry, but I'd be interested in reading your story if you want to share!


On Discord, Chase suggested a "short story book club" as a Culture Point idea. Sounds good to me! Maybe someone could a) create a Google Drive folder, and make it link-shareable WITH EDITING allowed, and then send out an email to the whole class with a) that link inviting them to upload their short story to that folder, and b) either include a link to a Google Meet from a Google Calendar event, or just tell people to meet on Discord's #full_class_audio at a certain date/time.

+5 votes

I agree with Kathryn, I want to read everyone's stories. Could we create a shared google folder and anyone who wants to share their stories can? Up vote if you would want to do that!

answered by (1 point)

On Discord, Chase suggested a "short story book club" as a Culture Point idea. Sounds good to me! Maybe someone could a) create a Google Drive folder, and make it link-shareable WITH EDITING allowed, and then send out an email to the whole class with a) that link inviting them to upload their short story to that folder, and b) either include a link to a Google Meet from a Google Calendar event, or just tell people to meet on Discord's #full_class_audio at a certain date/time.


Yup! I can set that up really quickly and then maybe ask people for a good time for when they're free to discuss them!
