The 3D printer was purchased by the department for educational use, primarily in math and computer science classes or projects. Additionally, the spools of plastic filament do cost money (about $20-$30 per spool). Thus, the printer is not available for any Augustana students to print whatever they want on. However, if you have project ideas that you want to use a 3-D printer for, let me know! It may be possible, and I'll discuss it with the department. (Augustana students are also allowed to use the Physics/Engineering 3D printer, which is fancier than ours, if they pay for the cost of the materials -- talk to Dr. Josh Dyer about that if you're interested.) The CatLab (Catalyst Lab - Center for Creativity) in Bergendoff is also supposed to be getting a 3-D printer sometime soon, and I believe that would be available for any student to use on creative projects.