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+12 votes

Is there a way to work with this to not compromise the quality of the image, which is established as patches, but also allow the system to run more smoothly? Currently my xcor is at 55 max and the ycor is 35, with a patch size of 2. When I run it, I get an initial dot appear from the particle system, but it does not show the ticks moving and nothing else happens.

asked in CSC 150 January201920 by (1 point)
edited by

I was having this same problem, but it looked okay in the recording even though it was lagging in netlogo.

4 Answers

+6 votes

I'm getting the same issue. Every time I add any type of movement command to my code It starts lagging.

answered by (1 point)
+6 votes

I am having the same issue and the video I record is very long

answered by (1 point)
+5 votes

In general, when working with video (or very large images), lag / performance can be a problem.

The possible solutions vary. Sometimes you have to make the number of patches smaller, but your 55 and 35 numbers sound reasonable.

You may also need to make the pixels-per-patch value smaller. Or you may need to make your particle system create fewer particles, or have each particle move farther in each time step.

There are probably some other ideas I haven't thought of right now, although sometimes there aren't any great solutions.

The lab computers are also probably more powerful than your laptop, and thus may be able to handle creating larger videos.

answered by (280 points)
+1 vote

If you are trying to create a video, try using ticks as it makes it the final video come out well, it will just take a while for it to create enough to be long enough.

answered by (1 point)