What do you want to use it for? (It can do a lot of things, although some of them are hard...)
Here's a simple example:
extensions [ bitmap ]
to setup
;; import a large photo and store it in the image variable
let image bitmap:import "elephant.jpg"
;; show the image (or whatever fits of it) in the view, at pixel coordinates 0,0
;; (Note, pixel coordinates are not the same as patch/turtle coordinates...)
bitmap:copy-to-drawing image 0 0
;; make a smaller 200x200 pixel version of the elephant
let small-image bitmap:scaled image 200 200
;; display that smaller image in the view at pixel coordinates (50, 100)
;; (Note, pixel coordinates are not the same as patch/turtle coordinates...)
bitmap:copy-to-drawing small-image 50 100