I tried to make the video for the mosaics effect. It created a video but when I ran it. Nothing happened. There is no time and the screen is black. Does anyone have same problems?
Hmm... you might put in a
print "frame recorded"
statement next to your vid:record-view every time in your code, and count how many times it gets printed, to make sure that you're recording enough frames.
Thank you
I have the same problem with Iris and I try your solution, but it did not work for my project.
Have you tried to check the example we did in class it might work here's the code
extensions [ vid ] to setup clear-all import-pcolors-rgb "dog.jpg" ask patches [ sprout 1 [ set color pcolor set shape "cat" set heading 0 ] ] ask patches [ set pcolor black ] reset-ticks vid:start-recorder end to go ask turtles [ right 5 ] tick end to finish vid:save-recording user-new-file end
Note to everyone: when you post code on the Q&A, you can make it look much tidier if you highlight it all and click the { } button up above, to format it as "code".
(I edited Selam's post to do that.)