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+9 votes

I want to provide each turtle each different variable like different x and y (turtles-own). For example, I plan to give each turtle to run different circle base on their location. But when I use the command "ask turtles", all of the turtles tend to share the same variables and only run one circle.

asked in CSC 150 January201920 by (1 point)

I agree with Yadel, look on the S-drive and there should be a template on how to code a breed. If you cannot find it let me know and I can send you the code example over this!


There's also a "Breeds and Shapes" example under File -> Models Library -> Code Examples

2 Answers

+4 votes

you should probably set a breed for it and then you can create all your other turtles at a random location however you can create make any turtles in this breed appear at a set point.
you can also use the random command to set the turtles locations and then you can make a circle

answered by (1 point)

This works. Thank you

+2 votes

Perhaps something like this?

to setup
    cro 20
    ask turtles [
        forward 0.1
        right who     ;; who refers the the turtle's ID # (0, 1, 2, ...)

Alternatively, you can give each turtle a property (turtles-own variable), and give it a random value, so each turtle behaves differently. Something like this:

turtles-own [ turning-angle ]

to setup
    cro 20 [
        set turning-angle random 30

to go  
   ask turtles [
      forward 0.1
      right turning-angle
answered by (280 points)

Thank you
