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+15 votes
asked in CSC 150 January201920 by (1 point)

3 Answers

+9 votes

Well, you can do:


to get them all facing in random directions, and then do:


Or were you wanting something different?

(Of course, if you use CRT instead of CRO to create your turtles, then they start off pointing in random directions...)

answered by (280 points)
+1 vote

You could do create-turtles which will put them facing different direction and if you want them in random places, you can do setxy random-xcor random-ycor

answered by (1 point)
+1 vote

Set random origin position: setxy random-xcor random-ycor
Go random position: fd random 10
tilt-down random 90
tilt-up random 90
roll-left random 90
roll-right random 90

answered by (1 point)