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+16 votes

I remember we have one or two more culture points opportunity next week...
Do you guys know when is it?

asked in CSC335_Spring2019 by (1 point)

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

There are a few more potential culture point opportunities (and it's not too late for someone to arrange another one).

In an email last week, I wrote...

  • You could come to the DATA 360 Data Analysis Project Presentations, which will be in Olin 209 on Monday 9:00 AM. They have been working on some really awesome projects, and if you're a CSC major, you may want to get a sneak peak at the kind of projects you might be working on when you're a senior.

  • You can come to the CSC Senior Inquiry Project Presentations, which will be in Olin 209 next Tuesday at 12:00 PM. They have been working on some really awesome projects, and if you're a CSC major, you may want to get a sneak peak at the kind of projects you might be working on when you're a senior... (Sorry, doesn't count for a C.P. if you're in the SI class yourself...)

  • You could go to Late Night Breakfast on Monday night and sit together in a big happy computer science group. Anyone want to organize this event? (Perhaps meet in Olin at 8:45? Or meet at 9:45 and show up an hour after it opens, to avoid the crazy rush?) I plan to be back in my apron, serving drinks again...

answered by (280 points)
selected by
+8 votes

The only other opportunity I am aware of is showing up to the final to play other people's games

answered by (1 point)

Hmm... evidently you don't read your emails very carefully!
