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+34 votes

I saw that we were to name a package "edu.augustana.csc285.", which left me wondering if there were any rules we should follow aside from the standard naming conventions we've learned so far.

asked in CSC285_Fall2018 by (1 point)

2 Answers

+16 votes

There are many things that go into writing elegant code, but I can't think of any other special rules that you should be following right now.

Eventually, you will want to include some Javadoc comments within your code, which is discussed in Appendix B of the Skrien textbook, but for now your main focus should be on adding functionality and getting the code to work, while also choosing good/meaningful names for your class names, method names, and variable names.

answered by (280 points)
+15 votes

I think that this is just about your convinient.

answered by (1 point)