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+15 votes

Last time when I was reading I glossed over this but I just wanted to properly appreciate this great poem.


I think that I shall never see
a graph more lovely than a tree.
A tree whose crucial property
is loop-free connectivity.
A tree that must be sure to span
so packet can reach every LAN.
First, the root must be selected.
By ID, it is elected.
Least-cost paths from root are traced.
In the tree, these paths are placed.
A mesh is made by folks like me,
then bridges find a spanning tree.

Radia Perlman

asked in CSC335_Spring2019 by (1 point)

1 Answer

+7 votes
Best answer

You may appreciate this poem more if you know that it's a parody of (or homage to?) a famous poem titled "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer:


answered by (280 points)
selected by

Furthermore, Radia Perlman, who is both the author of the poem, and the inventor of the bridge spanning tree algorithm, was a very interesting/influential person in the history of the internet.

See: https://science.howstuffworks.com/innovation/big-thinkers/mother-of-internet.htm
