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+20 votes
  1. LAN
  2. IP
  3. TCP
  4. UDP
  5. QoS
  6. TTL
  7. MAC
  8. DNS
  9. HTTP
  10. VLAN
  11. ARP
  12. CRC
asked in CSC335_Spring2019 by (1 point)

1 Answer

+11 votes
  1. LAN - area network
  2. IP - protocol
  3. TCP - Transmission control protocol
  4. UDP - User data-gram protocol
  5. QoS - Quality of service
  6. TTL - Time to live
  7. MAC - Media access control
  8. DNS - Domain name service
  9. HTTP - Hyper text transfer protocol
  10. VLAN - Virtual local area network
  11. ARP - Address resolution protocol
  12. CRC - Cyclic redundancy check
answered by (1 point)

A few corrections:

  1. LAN - local area network
  2. IP - internet protocol