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+21 votes
asked in CSC335_Spring2019 by (1 point)
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2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer

I have found this answer: the net view command only displays devices with file and printer sharing enabled. More in-depth list below:

net view returns the computers in the current domain or network. This list will only show computers that have file and printer sharing enabled.
net view /all shows all shares available, including administrative shares like C$ and admin$
net view /domain:google.com will list all of the sharing computers in the google.com domain
net view /all /domain shows all shares (regular and administrative) in the domain

***note: this can* be blocked for non-admin users (which is why it doesn't work on some networks or will simply say that a network path was not found

answered by (1 point)
+6 votes

You will notice in a red box instruction that they can vary over time.

answered by (1 point)