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+17 votes
asked in CSC305 Fall 2023 by (1 point)

10 Answers

+10 votes

I'm planning on wearing dress pants, a button-up shirt, and maybe a tie.

answered by (1 point)
+9 votes

My team is planning to look professional besides that we haven't discussed the details.

answered by (1 point)
+9 votes

Is there a theme for the final presentation? Like: Formal Or Semi-Formal?

answered by (1 point)
+6 votes

I plan to dress semi-formal, nothing too crazy.

answered by (1 point)
+5 votes

I am planning on looking semi-professional. I would like to wear a button shirt but without the tie

answered by (1 point)
+3 votes

planning on drip

answered by (1 point)
0 votes

My team is planning on wearing suit jackets.

answered by (1 point)
0 votes

depends on how professional you're tryna look

answered by (1 point)
0 votes

a little more formal so that it looks like an actual business meeting.

answered by (1 point)
0 votes

Something semi formal

answered by (1 point)