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+19 votes

Has anyone figured out how to move on to another page if the cards don't fit while printing? I am struggling to print multiple pages.

asked in CSC305 Fall 2023 by (1 point)

4 Answers

+8 votes

I think our group was working on that , it has been a bummer , its not getting to work that easily anything you found?

answered by (1 point)
+8 votes

Are you also using the builtin printer object?

answered by (1 point)

Yes, the javafx.print package. I thought about adding a listener and adding new pages when it exceeds the number of cards it holds but it won't be on the same pdf, and it didn't work for me. I haven't found any resources on the internet despite researching a lot.

0 votes

created a new vbox for each 6 cards and printed the vbox

answered by (1 point)
0 votes

We ended up not implenting that

answered by (1 point)