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+17 votes

My group and I have been struggling with getting a NullPointerException when trying to get the text that the user has entered into the TextField. We have made sure that the fx:id's are matching, and checked when, in the code, we are trying to get the entered text. Any suggestions?

asked in CSC305 Fall 2023 by (1 point)

4 Answers

+9 votes

did you remember to add the @FXML in the data fields

@FXML private TextField textField;

other than that all i've done to get text from the text field is textField.getText() and it worked for me

answered by (2.3k points)
+8 votes

If you’re facing a NullPointerException when accessing text from a TextField in JavaFX, consider the following steps to troubleshoot:

  1. Initialization Check: Ensure the TextField is initialized before accessing its text.
  2. FXML Loading: Verify that the FXML file is loaded correctly and the controller is set properly.
  3. Correct Controller: Make sure the controller in the FXML matches the one you are using.
  4. Debug: Use print statements or a debugger to confirm if the TextField is null at the time of access.
  5. Scene Builder: If used, check that the fx:id in Scene Builder matches the field name in your controller.
  6. Null Checks: Implement null checks before accessing the TextField methods to prevent NullPointerException.

if (textField != null) {
String text = textField.getText();
// Rest of your code
} else {
System.out.println("TextField is not initialized");

answered by (2.1k points)
+6 votes

I am not sure if you gave your textField an action to do based on the keyPressed, such as enter, but if so I bet that could possibly cause an issue.

I did what Bibhu did and it worked for me. I have a 'Go' button that the user clicks when they want to search for a card. We did drillSearchBar.getText().toLowerCase() and it works for us.

My only hypothesis would be that the textField has too many onAction scenarios firing at the wrong times with the wrong stuff in them. By actions I mean the ones in the Code section when you click the textField in Scenebuilder.

answered by (1 point)
+4 votes

I used the method .getText() on TextArea. So on key pressed enter, we get the text on the Text Area and store that text as well as display it on the label (or the title). We didn't use a Text Field, so maybe if it still doesn't work, try using Text Area as it worked for us although they have similar functions. I hope that makes sense!

answered by (1 point)