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+17 votes

It occurred to me while I was reading Dr. Stonedahl's email that the app should have a favorite option. What do you think about adding this button given that we may add any card and the lesson plan will be saved? But since our client requested it, perhaps there need to be a "dislike" option as well?
By "dislike" option, I'm mean the ability to unfavorite a card that a user has previously marked as a favorite.

asked in CSC305 Fall 2023 by (1 point)
edited by

4 Answers

+7 votes

I don't personally see much use of a dislike button. However, I think the favorite button would be extremely useful for the client and users. I figure since we will have so many cards, why would we need to dislike a single card; since all the cards that will show at the top should in theory be our favorited/filtered cards. I think that it would be beneficial to automatically favorite the cards from saved lessons because users might not want to always edit previous plans, they might want separate configurations of favorited cards.

answered by (1 point)

By "dislike" option, I'm essentially referring to the ability to unfavorite a card that a user has previously marked as a favorite. In this context, it's a way for users to change their preferences and remove cards from their favorites list.


Yes, by giving the favorite button the ability to be selected and deselected it would allow the user to change their minds if that card is a favorite over time. By using a list we could add the card when favorited and remove the card then deselected.

+7 votes

we don't necessarily need to add a dislike button because we have a favorite one. I feel like favorite button would be helpful because there are many cards to choose and if you don't like the card, you just don't select it. It would save us huge chunk of memory and time.

answered by (1 point)

By "dislike" option, I'm essentially referring to the ability to unfavorite a card that a user has previously marked as a favorite. In this context, it's a way for users to change their preferences and remove cards from their favorites list.

+3 votes

I think that would be a great feature for the clients/users. I agree that if we have that functionality, we also need to give them the option to take it off favorites. It should be a relatively easy feature to add since when we work on the filtering, we need to make lists. Allowing the user to add a card to a list and removing it through the button should be possible and fairly simple. It should just update the list every time, as opposed to other filters in the list will always stay the same.

answered by (1 point)
+2 votes

dislike button might be a little pointless cause from my understanding the favorite button will be used to save the cards that is used most often but there is no reason to hide certain cards because if you wont use the cards why even keep it in the app

answered by (2.3k points)