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+13 votes

Well, I see that there are only 6 commits in the document, but my github shows that I have made 9. Does it matter?

asked in CSC305 Fall 2023 by (1 point)

It probably is also a good idea to make more commits rather than make large commit because you would not want to break the code work base.

3 Answers

+7 votes

Ideally you would match the lab directions exactly, but you may have missed a step or done something a little differently, which could have resulted in your git history being a little different.

Maybe you committed some changes separately instead of lumped together. Maybe you have an extra "merge commit" resulting from a conflict you created by editing on GitHub before syncing your local code with github.

It probably isn't a big deal in any case...

answered by (101 points)
+5 votes

When I also finished my lab there were more than 6 commits, I forgot to edit everything and had to commit a bit more. I think the learning of commit or about committing itself should not be about how many commits but if the code works fine!

answered by (1 point)
–2 votes

The number of commits you see depends on the review filters that you have applied. You can adjust these filters in the GitHub interface.

answered by (1 point)