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+25 votes

Does anyone have a cheat sheet for eclipse shortcut commands? I know a couple, like sysout and ctrl+shift+F, but there's obviously a lot more and I want to be a super efficient Eclipse user!

asked in CSC305 Fall 2022 by (1 point)

4 Answers

+11 votes

Here is the link to a handy pdf, I would ctrl + s that one. (That’s the hotkey for save in eclipse)

answered by (1 point)
+6 votes

Sysout for system.out.println

use CRTL + F10 and You ll get a list

answered by (1 point)
+6 votes
answered by (1 point)
+6 votes

CTRL + Space comes in handy when you want eclipse to finish some started lines for you. Another neat one is clicking on a method call and pressing F3 when it highlights helps you find the method.

answered by (1 point)