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+15 votes

I don't know how to get an image from my pc on to lovelace, so I posted it in the #help-wanted on discord, so you can see what's happening.

asked in CSC305 Fall 2022 by (1 point)

Yeah, sadly our Q&A website doesn't let you upload images... it only lets you link to them, so you'd have to upload the image somewhere free and then link to it.

Now, as it happens, after you post your image on Discord, you can "copy link" on that image, which Discord has uploaded to its servers! (You'll get an address lke this, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1016110298492583977/1027694520227344459/unknown.png , which you can include in the image link command on the Q&A.)

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer

Not 100% sure but I think eclipse is defaulting to opening it with a different text editor, maybe try right clicking your fmxl file and using open with to select another text editor.

answered by (1 point)
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