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+3 votes

What it the advantage of using BorderPane over GridPane?

asked in CSC305 Fall 2021 by (1 point)

1 Answer

+1 vote

GridPane is when we can set the coordinates of an object. Like in the project checkpoint, you would set the coordinates for a label, TextField, Button, etc. In a BoarderPane, you can't set the coordinates, it's just a blank canvas. When you're adding objects with an assigned coordinate (in a grid), use GridPane.

answered by (1 point)

I would like to ask for some help! I have created an 11x6 gridPane. 6 columns for each day of the week plus an extra one for times. The 11 rows represent each time period of the day, from 8am to 7 pm.

I have a problem when trying to resize labels and set them on the y axis. Do you know how can I do that?
