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+15 votes

After spending a good thirty minutes sobbing as a gibbering mess because github is an enigma to me that thwarts my understanding, I wonder if I have made a terrible terrible mistake.

asked in CSC490_Spring2019 by (1 point)

1 Answer

+13 votes

No, I doubt it!

git/GitHub can be painful for everyone... it takes a long time to master. (And probably extra trouble with Unity? Maybe we should schedule a 1-on-1 screen-sharing to take a look at your GitHub situation...)

Furthermore, a computer science major is a good choice of major even if you decide that you don't want to go into software development for a career. It's good preparation for a career in I.T., or database administration, or (I would argue) even careers that are further afield, like becoming a politician, a lawyer, an entrepreneur, or a marketing consultant.

answered by (1 point)