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+33 votes

I know that these question might be hard to answer but I will ask anyway just in case.
For my fractals presentation I need to use an interator of some sort in order for the computer not to run into a runtime error since fractals technically go forever.
I am looking for advice on to how to do it the most efficient way, and I know iterators might help.
(To answer these you might or might not have to read a little about recursion or fractals.)

asked in CSC285_Fall2018 by (1 point)

1 Answer

+15 votes
Best answer

I am doubtful that iterators will help much with creating fractals or other recursive shapes, because iteration is a separate concept from recursion. They are pretty different ways of approaching a problem. A bit of discussion here: https://www.programcreek.com/2012/10/iteration-vs-recursion-in-java/

answered by (280 points)
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